Friday, August 08, 2008

There will always be....

Someone younger, faster and prettier. Sigh....

Note: Written after 2 weeks of hard core exercise at the local gym. Today, next to me on the elliptical machine, was a girl going twice as fast as I was and when I looked over at her, I realized that she was at least 2 decades (yes decades) younger than me and hardly breaking a sweat. After a failed attempt to keep up, I tried to keep it positive by thinking it was like the tortoise and the hare. Alas, after an hour and a half, the tortoise (me) called it a day.

Second Note: After gathering my things in the locker room, I noticed the hare out on the tennis court. God bless her... she is an inspiration to us all....just not today.

Third Note: There's always tomorrow.

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